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Bridge & Tunnel Hamster
Explore the world of hamster bridges and tunnels
At Le Petit Rongeur, we understand that your hamster's natural instinct drives him to explore, dig and squeeze into confined spaces. That's why our selection of bridges and tunnels, with renowned brands such as Duvo+ , Trixie , and Zolux , are designed to enrich your little companion's living space. Available in nylon, polyester, and especially wood, these accessories offer your hamster not only a wonderful playground but also a safe haven, allowing them to indulge their digging and exploration instincts in complete safety.
A haven of peace and adventure
Hamsters, curious and energetic little beings, find bridges and tunnels the opportunity to indulge in their favorite activities: exploring and digging. By recreating an environment similar to their natural underground tunnels, these accessories allow them to satisfy their need for exploration while providing them with a feeling of security essential to their well-being. Our bridges and tunnels, from spacious tree bark tunnels to stimulating tree trunk challenges, encourage your hamster to stay active and engaged, contributing to their mental and physical balance.
A variety for all tastes
Each hamster has its own personality and preferences, which is why Le Petit Rongeur offers a variety of materials and designs. Whether your companion is a snacker, with a predilection for grass tunnels, or prefers the challenges of expanding wooden tunnels, our range meets all their desires. Nylon and polyester tunnels offer a durable and easy-to-clean alternative, ideal for owners concerned about maintaining a clean and healthy environment for their pet.
Choosing the right accessory for your hamster
Providing the right tunnel or bridge for your hamster isn't just about entertainment; it also means ensuring their psychological well-being by providing them with a space where they feel safe and stimulated. At Le Petit Rongeur, we help you make the best choice by offering products adapted to all sizes and all the needs of your hamsters. From simple walks out of sight to creating their own network of tunnels, your hamster will find everything they need to express their exploratory nature with us.
Bridge & Tunnel
Explore the world of hamster bridges and tunnels
At Le Petit Rongeur, we understand that your hamster's natural instinct drives him to explore, dig and squeeze into confined spaces. That's why our selection of bridges and tunnels, with renowned brands such as Duvo+ , Trixie , and Zolux , are designed to enrich your little companion's living space. Available in nylon, polyester, and especially wood, these accessories offer your hamster not only a wonderful playground but also a safe haven, allowing them to indulge their digging and exploration instincts in complete safety.
A haven of peace and adventure
Hamsters, curious and energetic little beings, find bridges and tunnels the opportunity to indulge in their favorite activities: exploring and digging. By recreating an environment similar to their natural underground tunnels, these accessories allow them to satisfy their need for exploration while providing them with a feeling of security essential to their well-being. Our bridges and tunnels, from spacious tree bark tunnels to stimulating tree trunk challenges, encourage your hamster to stay active and engaged, contributing to their mental and physical balance.
A variety for all tastes
Each hamster has its own personality and preferences, which is why Le Petit Rongeur offers a variety of materials and designs. Whether your companion is a snacker, with a predilection for grass tunnels, or prefers the challenges of expanding wooden tunnels, our range meets all their desires. Nylon and polyester tunnels offer a durable and easy-to-clean alternative, ideal for owners concerned about maintaining a clean and healthy environment for their pet.
Choosing the right accessory for your hamster
Providing the right tunnel or bridge for your hamster isn't just about entertainment; it also means ensuring their psychological well-being by providing them with a space where they feel safe and stimulated. At Le Petit Rongeur, we help you make the best choice by offering products adapted to all sizes and all the needs of your hamsters. From simple walks out of sight to creating their own network of tunnels, your hamster will find everything they need to express their exploratory nature with us.
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- 2 in stock
- 2 in stock
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- 2 in stock
Questions / Réponses
Les hamsters sont des proies dans la nature et préfèrent les environnements qui offrent des cachettes et des parcours complexes pour explorer en toute sécurité. Les ponts et tunnels répondent à ce besoin en leur fournissant des espaces pour se cacher, grimper et jouer.
Privilégiez les matériaux naturels comme le bois non traité pour les ponts et les tunnels en plastique dur pour une facile nettoyage. Assurez-vous que tous les accessoires soient sans risque d'ingestion et sans arêtes vives.
La taille du tunnel doit être suffisamment grande pour que votre hamster puisse passer à travers sans se coincer, particulièrement pour les hamsters syriens qui sont plus grands que les nains. Mesurez votre hamster et lisez les recommandations de taille du produit.
Oui, vous pouvez utiliser des rouleaux de papier toilette, des tubes en carton, ou du bois non traité pour créer des structures de jeu. Assurez-vous que tout est sécuritaire, sans colle ou peinture toxique.
L'espace disponible et la disposition de la cage détermineront combien d'accessoires peuvent être ajoutés sans surcharger l'espace. Assurez-vous que votre hamster a suffisamment de place pour se déplacer librement et pour l'entretien de la cage.
Oui, les tunnels en plastique peuvent être facilement nettoyés avec de l'eau et un détergent doux. Assurez-vous qu'ils soient complètement secs avant de les remettre dans la cage de votre hamster.
Absolument. En plus de fournir un environnement stimulant, les ponts et tunnels encouragent l'activité physique en incitant les hamsters à grimper et à explorer, ce qui est excellent pour leur santé globale.
Introduisez les nouveaux éléments progressivement pour ne pas stresser votre hamster. Laissez votre hamster les explorer à son rythme et observez son interaction avec eux pour s'assurer qu'il les apprécie.