Enclosure Rabbit

Freedom and security: the perfect enclosure for your rabbit

At Le petit rodent, we believe that every rabbit deserves a space where they can thrive in complete safety. Our enclosures, selected from renowned brands such as Kerbl , Hamiform , Trixie , and Zolux , provide this vital space. Adapted to all needs, our polyester, wood and metal enclosures allow your rabbit to play and rest without ever compromising their safety. The recommended size depends on your rabbit's activity, but the ideal is a large space of 4 to 5 m2 where it can move freely, while having access to its usual resting space.

A variety for all tastes and needs

Our range of enclosures adapts to all configurations and preferences. Whether you are looking for a sturdy metal outdoor enclosure to protect your rabbit from predators, an aesthetic wooden model to complete your garden, or an easy-to-transport polyester enclosure, Le petit rodent has the solution. Each model is designed to provide maximum space, comfort, and safety for your furry companion.

Safety at the heart of our selection

Your rabbit's safety is our priority. That's why all of our enclosures come with advanced safety features. Sturdy locks, fine metal mesh to prevent escapes, and weather-resistant materials ensure your rabbit enjoys their outdoor space risk-free.

Ease of installation and maintenance

We know your time is valuable. That's why our enclosures are designed to be easily assembled and maintained. Polyester enclosures are lightweight and foldable, ideal for travel or storage. Wood and metal designs are designed for long-term durability, with little maintenance needed to preserve their beauty and functionality.

Encourage exercise and exploration

An enclosure is not just a safe space; it is also a playground to stimulate your rabbit's physical and mental activity. Our enclosures provide enough space for running, jumping, and playing, essential to your rabbit's well-being. Combined with toys and accessories, they create an enriching environment that stimulates your companion's mind and body.


Freedom and security: the perfect enclosure for your rabbit

At Le petit rodent, we believe that every rabbit deserves a space where they can thrive in complete safety. Our enclosures, selected from renowned brands such as Kerbl , Hamiform , Trixie , and Zolux , provide this vital space. Adapted to all needs, our polyester, wood and metal enclosures allow your rabbit to play and rest without ever compromising their safety. The recommended size depends on your rabbit's activity, but the ideal is a large space of 4 to 5 m2 where it can move freely, while having access to its usual resting space.

A variety for all tastes and needs

Our range of enclosures adapts to all configurations and preferences. Whether you are looking for a sturdy metal outdoor enclosure to protect your rabbit from predators, an aesthetic wooden model to complete your garden, or an easy-to-transport polyester enclosure, Le petit rodent has the solution. Each model is designed to provide maximum space, comfort, and safety for your furry companion.

Safety at the heart of our selection

Your rabbit's safety is our priority. That's why all of our enclosures come with advanced safety features. Sturdy locks, fine metal mesh to prevent escapes, and weather-resistant materials ensure your rabbit enjoys their outdoor space risk-free.

Ease of installation and maintenance

We know your time is valuable. That's why our enclosures are designed to be easily assembled and maintained. Polyester enclosures are lightweight and foldable, ideal for travel or storage. Wood and metal designs are designed for long-term durability, with little maintenance needed to preserve their beauty and functionality.

Encourage exercise and exploration

An enclosure is not just a safe space; it is also a playground to stimulate your rabbit's physical and mental activity. Our enclosures provide enough space for running, jumping, and playing, essential to your rabbit's well-being. Combined with toys and accessories, they create an enriching environment that stimulates your companion's mind and body.

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Questions / Réponses

Quelle taille doit avoir un enclos pour lapin ?

Un enclos pour lapin doit offrir suffisamment d'espace pour que le lapin puisse courir, sauter, et se reposer confortablement. La règle générale est d'offrir au moins 2,5 mètres carrés d'espace pour un lapin, avec des dimensions supplémentaires pour chaque lapin additionnel. L'enclos doit aussi être assez haut pour empêcher le lapin de sauter par-dessus, généralement au moins 1 mètre de hauteur.

Peut-on laisser un lapin dans un enclos extérieur toute l'année ?

Laisser un lapin dans un enclos extérieur toute l'année est possible, mais cela nécessite des préparations adaptées aux différentes saisons. L'enclos doit être sécurisé contre les prédateurs et protégé des intempéries. En hiver, il faut s'assurer que le lapin a accès à un abri isolé et sec. Durant l'été, il est crucial de fournir de l'ombre et de l'eau fraîche pour éviter la surchauffe.

Faut-il un abri dans l'enclos pour lapin ?

Un abri est essentiel dans un enclos pour lapin, offrant une protection contre les intempéries et un refuge sûr où le lapin peut se retirer. L'abri doit être isolé, surtout si l'enclos est à l'extérieur, pour protéger le lapin du froid et de la chaleur excessive. Il doit également être assez spacieux pour que le lapin puisse s'y déplacer confortablement et se reposer.

Comment enrichir l'environnement d'un enclos pour lapin ?

Pour enrichir l'environnement, incluez des jouets, des tunnels, des plateformes pour sauter, et des objets à mâcher dans l'enclos. Cela stimule l'activité physique et mentale du lapin, prévenant l'ennui et favorisant une bonne santé. Variez les jouets et la disposition de l'enclos régulièrement pour maintenir l'intérêt du lapin.

Comment entretenir l'hygiène dans un enclos pour lapin ?

Pour maintenir l'hygiène, nettoyez l'enclos régulièrement en retirant les déchets, les restes de nourriture, et en changeant la litière si utilisée. Un nettoyage hebdomadaire complet est recommandé, avec un désinfectant sûr pour les lapins. Assurez-vous que l'enclos reste sec pour prévenir le développement de bactéries et de moisissures. Un entretien régulier aide à prévenir les maladies et assure un environnement sain pour le lapin.