Bridge & Tunnel Rabbit

Bridges and Tunnels: The Adventure at Coin de la Cage

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of bridges and tunnels for rabbits with "The Little Rodent", and offer your little companion a playground that matches his exploration and play instincts. With recognized brands such as Cunipic , JR Farm , Trixie , and Zolux , as well as a selection of varied materials like polyester, wicker, and wood, we are equipped to stimulate the imagination and satisfy your rabbit's need for activity. These accessories aren't just fun additions to your rabbit's habitat; they also contribute to one’s physical and mental well-being.

Stimulate the Natural Instinct of Exploration

Bridges and tunnels are more than just a distraction for your rabbit; they are essential to stimulate his natural instinct of exploration and curiosity. By squeezing through tunnels or climbing over bridges, your rabbit benefits from healthy physical exercise, which mimics the challenges they would encounter in a natural environment. This stimulation helps prevent boredom and destructive behavior, ensuring a happy and balanced rabbit.

A Practical Solution for Health

Not only do these accessories provide an engaging play space, but they also play a crucial role in your rabbit's physical health. Bridges and ladders help naturally file your pet's nails, while climbing and running through tunnels promote good fitness. It's a fun way to ensure your rabbit stays active and healthy.

A Versatile Playground

Our bridges and tunnels can be used alone or combined with other toys to create an enriched and varied play environment. Imagine an obstacle course complete with jumps, swings, and hiding areas, providing your rabbit with hours of uninterrupted fun. This versatility ensures that you can adapt and evolve your rabbit's play area over time, keeping its environment stimulating and engaging.

Quality and Safety Above All

At "Le petit rodent", we are committed to providing the highest quality products, safe for your pet. Each bridge and tunnel is carefully selected to ensure not only your rabbit's entertainment, but their safety as well. With durable, non-toxic materials, you can rest easy knowing your little explorer is enjoying a safe and stimulating play space.

Bridge & Tunnel

Bridges and Tunnels: The Adventure at Coin de la Cage

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of bridges and tunnels for rabbits with "The Little Rodent", and offer your little companion a playground that matches his exploration and play instincts. With recognized brands such as Cunipic , JR Farm , Trixie , and Zolux , as well as a selection of varied materials like polyester, wicker, and wood, we are equipped to stimulate the imagination and satisfy your rabbit's need for activity. These accessories aren't just fun additions to your rabbit's habitat; they also contribute to one’s physical and mental well-being.

Stimulate the Natural Instinct of Exploration

Bridges and tunnels are more than just a distraction for your rabbit; they are essential to stimulate his natural instinct of exploration and curiosity. By squeezing through tunnels or climbing over bridges, your rabbit benefits from healthy physical exercise, which mimics the challenges they would encounter in a natural environment. This stimulation helps prevent boredom and destructive behavior, ensuring a happy and balanced rabbit.

A Practical Solution for Health

Not only do these accessories provide an engaging play space, but they also play a crucial role in your rabbit's physical health. Bridges and ladders help naturally file your pet's nails, while climbing and running through tunnels promote good fitness. It's a fun way to ensure your rabbit stays active and healthy.

A Versatile Playground

Our bridges and tunnels can be used alone or combined with other toys to create an enriched and varied play environment. Imagine an obstacle course complete with jumps, swings, and hiding areas, providing your rabbit with hours of uninterrupted fun. This versatility ensures that you can adapt and evolve your rabbit's play area over time, keeping its environment stimulating and engaging.

Quality and Safety Above All

At "Le petit rodent", we are committed to providing the highest quality products, safe for your pet. Each bridge and tunnel is carefully selected to ensure not only your rabbit's entertainment, but their safety as well. With durable, non-toxic materials, you can rest easy knowing your little explorer is enjoying a safe and stimulating play space.

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Questions / Réponses

Pourquoi les tunnels et les ponts sont-ils bons pour les lapins ?

Les tunnels et les ponts imitent l'environnement naturel des lapins, qui explorent et creusent des terriers dans la nature. Ils fournissent une source d'exercice physique, réduisent l'ennui et encouragent les comportements exploratoires sains, contribuant ainsi à la santé physique et mentale du lapin.

Quel type de matériel est sûr pour les tunnels et ponts de lapin ?

Choisissez des tunnels et des ponts fabriqués à partir de matériaux non toxiques et résistants à la mastication, comme l'herbe compressée, le bois non traité, ou des tissus sûrs. Assurez-vous qu'ils sont exempts de petits éléments détachables ou de substances chimiques nocives qui pourraient être ingérées.

Comment introduire un nouveau tunnel ou pont à mon lapin ?

Placez le nouveau tunnel ou pont dans l'aire de jeu habituelle de votre lapin et laissez-le explorer à son rythme. Vous pouvez encourager l'exploration en plaçant des friandises ou du foin à l'intérieur ou à proximité. Certains lapins peuvent être timides au début, mais la curiosité l'emportera généralement.

Les tunnels et ponts nécessitent-ils un entretien particulier ?

Inspectez régulièrement les tunnels et ponts pour tout signe d'usure ou de dommage et nettoyez-les selon les instructions du fabricant. Pour les articles en tissu, lavez-les selon les besoins pour garder l'environnement du lapin propre. Remplacez les structures endommagées pour éviter les risques d'accidents.

Combien de tunnels ou ponts devrais-je avoir pour mon lapin ?

Cela dépend de la taille de l'espace de vie de votre lapin et de combien vous pouvez confortablement y intégrer. Même un seul tunnel ou pont peut enrichir considérablement l'environnement d'un lapin, mais si vous avez la place, offrir une variété peut stimuler davantage l'exploration et le jeu.

Où placer les tunnels et ponts dans l'enclos de mon lapin ?

Placez-les de manière à encourager l'exploration et l'exercice. Disposer les tunnels et ponts pour créer des parcours intéressants à travers l'enclos peut inciter votre lapin à les utiliser plus fréquemment. Évitez de bloquer l'accès à la nourriture, l'eau, ou la litière.

Les tunnels et ponts conviennent-ils à tous les lapins ?

La plupart des lapins apprécieront les tunnels et ponts, mais chaque lapin est unique. Certains peuvent préférer d'autres types de jouets ou d'enrichissement. Observez les préférences de votre lapin et ajustez l'environnement en conséquence.