Care & Hygiene Guinea pig/Guinea pig

Care & Hygiene for Guinea Pigs: Take care of your little companion with The Little Rodent

In this category dedicated to care and hygiene for Guinea Pigs, Le petit rodent offers you a careful selection of products to guarantee the well-being of your adorable four-legged friend. Guinea Pigs, known for their gentleness and charm, deserve special attention to stay healthy. Explore specialty subcategories, discover trusted brands like Ferplast , Beaphar , Biogance , Francodex , Hamiform , Trixie , Versele-Laga , and Zolux , and ensure your precious companion gets the best care possible.

Essential products for every aspect of your Guinea Pig's life

At Le petit rodent, we understand that every aspect of your Guinea Pig's life requires special attention. That's why we have carefully selected a range of products in different subcategories to meet all the needs of your little soft-furred friend. Discover our anti-parasitic products to protect your Guinea Pig from unwanted parasites, or explore our selection of claw care items, essential for maintaining their hygiene and avoiding health problems.

Healthy eyes and ears for a happy Guinea Pig

Your Guinea Pig's eyes and ears are sensitive areas that deserve special attention. Our range of products dedicated to these critical areas ensures gentle cleaning and effective prevention against infections and irritation. You will find everything you need to maintain the cleanliness and health of these essential parts of their body.

Toileting and deodorizing for a fresh and clean cage

Keeping your Guinea Pig's cage clean is crucial to its overall well-being. Discover our selection of cage toiletries and deodorizers, which will allow you to maintain a clean and pleasant environment for your little furry friend. Make sure your Guinea Pig can enjoy his living space in comfort and cleanliness.

Healthy Coat and Happy Skin

Your Guinea Pig's coat is one of its most adorable features. Take care of your skin and coat with the appropriate products available in this category. We offer you a varied selection to maintain the shine and health of their coat, while taking care of their delicate skin.

Care & Hygiene

Care & Hygiene for Guinea Pigs: Take care of your little companion with The Little Rodent

In this category dedicated to care and hygiene for Guinea Pigs, Le petit rodent offers you a careful selection of products to guarantee the well-being of your adorable four-legged friend. Guinea Pigs, known for their gentleness and charm, deserve special attention to stay healthy. Explore specialty subcategories, discover trusted brands like Ferplast , Beaphar , Biogance , Francodex , Hamiform , Trixie , Versele-Laga , and Zolux , and ensure your precious companion gets the best care possible.

Essential products for every aspect of your Guinea Pig's life

At Le petit rodent, we understand that every aspect of your Guinea Pig's life requires special attention. That's why we have carefully selected a range of products in different subcategories to meet all the needs of your little soft-furred friend. Discover our anti-parasitic products to protect your Guinea Pig from unwanted parasites, or explore our selection of claw care items, essential for maintaining their hygiene and avoiding health problems.

Healthy eyes and ears for a happy Guinea Pig

Your Guinea Pig's eyes and ears are sensitive areas that deserve special attention. Our range of products dedicated to these critical areas ensures gentle cleaning and effective prevention against infections and irritation. You will find everything you need to maintain the cleanliness and health of these essential parts of their body.

Toileting and deodorizing for a fresh and clean cage

Keeping your Guinea Pig's cage clean is crucial to its overall well-being. Discover our selection of cage toiletries and deodorizers, which will allow you to maintain a clean and pleasant environment for your little furry friend. Make sure your Guinea Pig can enjoy his living space in comfort and cleanliness.

Healthy Coat and Happy Skin

Your Guinea Pig's coat is one of its most adorable features. Take care of your skin and coat with the appropriate products available in this category. We offer you a varied selection to maintain the shine and health of their coat, while taking care of their delicate skin.

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Questions / Réponses

À quelle fréquence faut-il nettoyer la cage ?

Effectuez un nettoyage partiel quotidien en enlevant les déchets et la nourriture non consommée, et un nettoyage complet hebdomadaire en changeant la litière et en lavant la cage avec un désinfectant doux.

Comment couper les ongles d'un cochon d'Inde ?

Utilisez un coupe-ongles spécifique pour petits animaux. Coupez les pointes des ongles en évitant la zone rose (la veine), pour ne pas causer de saignement. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr, demandez une démonstration à votre vétérinaire.

Comment vérifier la santé dentaire d'un cochon d'Inde ?

Surveillez l'appétit de votre cochon d'Inde et vérifiez régulièrement l'état de ses dents. Les dents doivent être alignées et ne pas être trop longues. Consultez un vétérinaire si vous remarquez des signes de problèmes dentaires comme une difficulté à manger ou une salivation excessive.

Quels sont les signes d'un problème de santé chez un cochon d'Inde ?

Les signes incluent un changement d'appétit ou de comportement, une perte de poids, des difficultés respiratoires, un pelage rêche ou la présence de parasites. Consultez un vétérinaire si vous observez l'un de ces signes.

Comment prévenir les parasites chez les cochons d'Inde ?

Maintenez une hygiène de cage stricte, utilisez une litière de bonne qualité et évitez le contact avec des animaux potentiellement infectés. Consultez un vétérinaire pour des traitements préventifs adaptés.

Peut-on utiliser des produits de soin pour humains sur les cochons d'Inde ?

Non, n'utilisez pas de produits de soin pour humains sur les cochons d'Inde, car ils peuvent être nocifs. Utilisez toujours des produits spécifiquement conçus pour les petits animaux.

Comment prendre soin du pelage d'un cochon d'Inde ?

Brossez régulièrement le pelage de votre cochon d'Inde, surtout s'il est long, pour prévenir les nœuds et les matières. Utilisez une brosse douce adaptée à leur peau sensible.

L'hygiène des oreilles est-elle importante pour les cochons d'Inde ?

Oui, nettoyez doucement l'extérieur des oreilles de votre cochon d'Inde avec un chiffon doux et humide pour enlever la saleté ou le cérumen accumulé. N'insérez jamais rien dans le canal auditif.