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Créer l'habitat idéal pour votre hamster domestique
Créer l'habitat idéal pour votre hamster domestique

    Les hamsters sont des animaux de compagnie populaires, appréciés pour leur caractère enjoué et leur facilité...

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Everything about feeding guinea pigs
Everything about feeding guinea pigs

The guinea pig, or guinea pig, is a small herbivorous rodent that requires a specific diet to stay healthy....

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L'habitat idéal du rat domestique
L'habitat idéal du rat domestique

     Le rat domestique, animal très intelligent et sociable, nécessite un environnement adapté qui répond à ses...

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The ideal hay to pamper your rabbits: complete guide and advice
The ideal hay to pamper your rabbits: complete guide and advice

Looking for the ideal hay to pamper your rabbits? Do not search anymore ! Our comprehensive guide and tips will help...

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Know everything about chinchilla nutrition
Know everything about chinchilla nutrition

Before adopting a chinchilla, it is essential to find out about its diet, because its digestive system is very...

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  • Créer l'habitat idéal pour votre hamster domestique
    Créer l'habitat idéal pour votre hamster domestique

        Les hamsters sont des animaux de compagnie populaires, appréciés pour leur caractère enjoué et leur facilité d'entretien. Pour assurer leur bien-être et leur santé, il est essentiel de leur fournir un habitat qui répond à tous leurs besoins. Voici un guide complet pour créer l'habitat idéal pour votre hamster, en abordant les aspects cruciaux de la cage, des jouets, de la litière, de la nourriture et du couchage.

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  • Everything about feeding guinea pigs
    Everything about feeding guinea pigs

    The guinea pig, or guinea pig, is a small herbivorous rodent that requires a specific diet to stay healthy. Understanding and providing a balanced diet is essential for the well-being of these endearing little furballs.

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  • L'habitat idéal du rat domestique
    L'habitat idéal du rat domestique

         Le rat domestique, animal très intelligent et sociable, nécessite un environnement adapté qui répond à ses besoins physiques et comportementaux.

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  • Know everything about chinchilla nutrition
    Know everything about chinchilla nutrition

    Before adopting a chinchilla, it is essential to find out about its diet, because its digestive system is very fragile. Truth be told, this is where his vulnerability lies. In its natural habitat, the chinchilla consumes relatively dry and fairly monotonous plants. He does not have access to fatty and sugary food sources that are unsuitable for his assimilation capacities. You must therefore be careful to only give it foods dedicated to chinchillas.

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  • Everything you need to know about rabbit communication
    Everything you need to know about rabbit communication

    Communication in rabbits goes well beyond the use of their ears. This small animal uses its entire body to express a diverse range of emotions and states of mind. Behaviors such as lying down suddenly, licking, jumping up happily, making particular sounds, grinding their teeth, marking their territory with their chin, or asking for petting, are all ways for rabbits to communicate. These actions can mean contentment, affection, dominance, or even discomfort. By carefully observing these...

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