
Zoanthus Society

Registered with the RCS of Saint-Etienne under the number RCS 824 583 520 00021 and whose intra-community VAT number is FR21824583520

With share capital of €1000

Whose registered office is at 11bis, rue Buffon 42100 Saint-Etienne FRANCE

Represented by Mr Coron Clément as manager

Contact Director of publication:

Name: Coron Clement

Address: 11bis, rue Buffon 42100 Saint-Etienne FRANCE


Contact of the host:

PROFILEO Group , Chemin Petit Cabri - Le Tholonet - 13100 Aix-en-Provence

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"The fact, for any person, of presenting to the host of the site a content or an activity as being illicit in order to obtain its withdrawal or to stop its distribution, while he knows this inaccurate information , is punishable by a one-year prison sentence and a fine of 15,000 euros.

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